Tn vs ips
Tn vs ips

tn vs ips

This is how far off-centre you can view the screen without the quality of the image degrading significantly.A TN panel has generally poor viewing angles, if you’re not square-on to your monitor then the image and colours will dull.

tn vs ips

But there is one other factor that we often don’t take in to consideration and that is the LCD panel type, as there are 2 main types of LCD panel and how they display the image is different and one can be better than the other for certain types of work and uses.The 2 main LCD panel types that you’re likely to see in the specs for a monitor are a TN and an IPS LCD panel.TN (Twisted Nematic) panels were the first LCD panel type that were widely produced and, and are still the widest-used panel type.An IPS (in-plane switching) panel was made to address the shortcomings of a TN panel, but it too is not without some negatives.So which one is better? Well as often is the case, it depends.To help explain how you can decide, you need to know the differences between them, so I’ll outline them very basically, below. When looking at buying one, often we only consider its size in inches (measured across diagonally), what it looks like, and the price.

tn vs ips

I hope to be able to bring you more info about these two things shortly, the former I should be able to begin discussing with you in the next week or two once we work out how best to package it up.This month I thought I’d talk about something we often don’t think about but is right before our eyes.With us spending, some would say, an unhealthy amount of time staring at a monitor. At Greenlight we’ve been working on a few new offerings over the last month or so, one being around email phishing/fraud and the other an information management solution.

Tn vs ips