Little inferno tv tropes
Little inferno tv tropes

It's hard to determine whether this trope originated from assumptions about loners in the real world or helped cause it. Even if The All-Loving Hero eventually accepts the Loner as a Loner, the Loner will often appreciate the effort, and begin making token attempts to be sociable with the True Companions. Often this will work by itself, hammering home the idea that what's wrong with the villain isn't the need for revenge or a severely unbalanced psyche, it's a lack of friends. In works where the loner is portrayed as a villain, the All-Loving Hero will often effect a Heel–Face Turn on an antagonist by trying to be their friend. This doesn't logically translate to all loners are freaks, but a lot of fiction doesn't follow logic. Of course, this trope could just be the inversion of the idea that nobody could like a freak, so freaks are loners. Thus, many introverted people are assumed to be going through an immature stage or dismissed as having ulterior motives for their behavior that ends up just isolating them more. This can be interpreted as being an act of rebellion by others when nothing deeper is really going on. Then that person will be shunned, isolating them further in a vicious cycle, putting him closer to the Despair Event Horizon.Ī more tragic explanation for this trope is that loners are simply expressing their true personalities (in this case, being a loner) by refusing to adapt to societal standards they don't like. Many psychological disorders originate from a deficit in human interaction. When you're raised in isolation, you behave differently. There are many social skills that can only be learned in person — isolation can lead to No Social Skills.

little inferno tv tropes

Humans learn how to be human through social interaction. Loners can also Go Mad from the Isolation. Thus a person condemned to Dying Alone was almost certainly alone because of a problem they would've had fitting into another group and thus they should be avoided.

little inferno tv tropes

Through most of human history, collective action was the only practical means of survival being extremely selfish, hiding all the time, or being shunned/banned/exiled/cast out was very often a precursor to slow death by starvation and predation.

little inferno tv tropes

Cooperation along with the invention of language is how we survived, and those who tried to go it alone often weren't able to reproduce or hand over their innovations to the next person.

little inferno tv tropes

Even more unfortunately, there is some historic basis for this.

Little inferno tv tropes